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Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Monday, June 8, 2009

Samantha's First Steps!!

It's two days before Samantha's 1st Birthday and she just took her first unassisted steps. We are so proud... and we just HAPPENED to have a camera nearby to document the event. Hmmm... that's so unlike us! =)

Here is the first video of her steps... and then of Lisa completely spazzing out. It was just so amazing to watch her get that balance down.

And since we're an equal opportunity blogger, her is video of her walking back to Mom.


mommy23 said...

Awesome Lisa.. now you really have to watch out!! I LOVE your reaction!! She is pretty dang cute!

Jen Rike said...

LOVE IT! Thanks for sharing. Can't wait to see all of you very soon. :)

Justin and Lorna said...

Happy Birthday Samantha! Congratulations on your newly acquired skill! Next comes . . . potty-training. :)