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Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Sunday, March 30, 2008

Fun with Family and Friends in Boise

There are a lot of fun things about being pregnant! And no, I'm not just talking about heartburn, ginormous clothes, and stupid comments from people about looking like I'm having twins. I'm talking about the stuff that is ACTUALLY fun!

One of those fun things about being pregnant is that it provides a wonderful excuse to get friends and family together... and we have been busy doing just that!!

In late March, we hopped to Boise for a quick weekend and managed to squeeze in some wonderful memories with lots of friends and family. Mom Shepard managed to even fly in for a day to join in the "pre-celebration" of Squishee's arrival.

Lisa with her mom (Kathy) and sister (Lorna)

Lisa with Sean's cousins (Pam, Julie & Jamie)

Lisa with Mom Broman and Mom Shepard

Sean and Lisa with their nieces, Channing and Charise
(Sean is proof that it wasn't just a weekend of girls,
although the boys did run and hide a bit when it came to talking babies!)

Of course, we were surrounded by so many more family and friends during the weekend, but we can't post all the pictures here (and of course, some of you are just plain camera shy!)

Thursday, March 27, 2008

How is Squishee REALLY doing in there!

We had another ultrasound on Monday, 3/24/08 (about 28 weeks along). In the past, when people have showed us their ultrasound pictures, we've had a little trouble seeing what they were able to see. So don't worry... if this just looks like a black and white blob to you, we understand. Maybe you have to see it live in order to interpret the picture. But just in case you are one of those people who can actually see the 3-D image in those cool posters at the mall kiosks, here is Squishee's latest portrait (it's a close up!).

Squishee's face... you can't see it in this picture,
but we think she has Lisa's chin. I guess we'll find out in a few months!

Other Squishee updates:

  • Not that it should come as a shock to anyone, but we are starting to think Squishee just might be a little ornery. The little munchkin is currently BREECH! In fact, she has her head tucked nicely into Lisa's rib and she looks as cozy as can be. But as Lisa's dad would say... "DON'T PANIC!" Although 75% of babies have flipped by this time, there's still plenty of time for Squishee to do a swan dive. We'll be hoping for her to make her big move in the next 2-8 weeks before we REALLY start to panic! :-)

  • Squishee is slightly small for 28 weeks, but nothing to worry about (especially since both Sean and Lisa were small babies and don't exactly top the charts when it comes to height). This is good news since once of the risks of Lisa's chronic high blood pressure (and the medication she's on) is stunted growth in the womb. The doc will still keep a close eye on Squishee's growth throughout the rest of our pregnancy, but so far so good!

  • Speaking of high blood pressure, Lisa's is doing great! No worries whatsoever at this time!

  • Both Sean and Lisa are enjoying the little kicks and pushes that Squishee does throughout the day. Although she still is a bit of a mystery in there, we are connecting with her more and more each day. While we lay in bed at night, Lisa curls up behind Sean and without fail, Squishee starts kicking and pushing like mad. We just lay there and laugh at the fact that she is already trying to push her daddy around! :-)

  • We have had many questions about names. I'm not sure, but it seems like some of you are a little tired of the name "Squishee". Unfortunately, we haven't decided on a name yet, but we look forward to sharing it with you soon... that is, in about 11-12 weeks when Squishee is born. In the meantime, if you are tired of calling her Squishee, you can always use her other nickname, Squishette!

    Sean and Lisa out to dinner with friends.
    "Can you please bring that dessert tray around again?"

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

No more false advertising!!

Lately, Lisa has been accused of false advertising because there has been A LOT of growth with Squishee in the past few weeks, and our latest posting was at 23 weeks. So it's time to get an updated pic of the ol' tummy out there!!

Here are a couple of pics of Lisa & Squishee at 27 weeks (3/18/08)

27 weeks from the side

Facing 27 weeks head on! :-)

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Escape to Florida

In early March, we went to visit our friends, Carey, Vera and Laura Hobbs, who live in Orlando, Florida! While there, I took about 100 pics of dear Laura (who's about 18 months old) and a few pics of the rest of us! Here are a couple of our favorites from the trip!

Sean and Laura reading together. Just look at those adorable pigtails!!!

Our self portrait while visiting Sarasota. It was a little windy, but the sun felt wonderful for us poor Oregonians!

Lunch in Sarasota... CHEERS to Mojitos, Sangria and Virgin Mango Tangos! :-)

We definitely enjoyed some refreshing fun in the sun...

...but don't let him fool you. That water was NOT warm!!!

Overall, we had a fabulous time. Of course it was great to get a break from our Oregon winter, but our favorite part was just getting to spend time with wonderful friends! Thanks for being such awesome hosts, Carey, Vera and Laura. Can't wait until we see you again!!!