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Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

More blabbing about Samantha

Okay, this blog post is for those that want a little more detail about our little munchkin (and it's also a place to put some pictures that don't really fit into any blog category... they're just cute photos of our little girl).

At this writing, here are some little facts about Samantha:

- Sam turned 7 months old on January 10th.
- Yes... we usually call her Sam. Sometimes Samantha. Rarely Sammy at this point, but I think that's because we figure if you're going to shorten her name, you might as well go with one syllable. I'm sure it will change later!
- Samantha is looking more and more like her dad, but she's definitely still keeping some mom characteristics. The most notable is her chin (she has mommy's chin). Her eyes are pretty big (so everyone thinks she has mom's eyes) but if you look closely, the shape actually looks more like dad's. Her eyelashes are exactly like dad's and they're growing every day. And her face is definitely more round (like dad's) and not oval (like mom's). Of course, this could all change as time goes by (they have a way of doing that!) but these are our observations at this time.
- Samantha's hair is growing beautifully, although this is one area where she appears to be a mix between dad and mom. Sean was born with a head full of hair (and kept it all) whereas Lisa was bald until she was about 2 1/2 years old! Looks like Samantha is trying the middle of the road on this one.
- At her last appointment, Samantha weighed 15 lbs 11 oz (which was about 25th percentile, I think).
- Her last doctor appointment was actually an unplanned one. We were worried about this weird twitching thing she was doing. Lisa noticed it first while feeding her and changing her diaper. It was like involuntary muscle spasms... mostly in her arms, but a little in her legs and head. It definitely didn't look like seizures, but anything involving twitching scares the poop out of new parents (and maybe even veteran parents, I don't know). Anyway, the pediatrician wasn't too concerned based on other indicators and our description of what was going on, and we decided to observe her for the next week. Within a couple days of the appointment, the twitches had decreased dramatically and we stopped seeing them. Every now and then, we see twitches again, but we're thinking it may be in response to sharp teething pains or just a fun thing she likes to do to get attention. Babies do so many weird things that are cute and we don't take them to the doctor for them... but a weird thing that involves twitching or muscle spasms freaks us out. Go figure!
- Samantha just learned the art of blowing raspberries a couple of days ago. Because they're sweet little raspberries at this time, we still think they're cute... but we can certainly see the potential for disaster later on! :)
- We JUST stopped swaddling Samantha at night last week. Yeah, that's a pretty long time for swaddling for a baby, but the pediatrician said if she was still sleeping through the night, then we didn't need to stop swaddling her. No matter when we stopped, we knew she'd be grown out of it by kindergarten! :) At the time that we quit swaddling her, she still didn't mind it, but we wanted her to have her arms free so she could get her little chew toy when she woke up in the morning (no... we don't think she's a dog, but there are some similarities when it comes to chew toys!) :) So far, it hasn't disrupted her sleep too much. She goes to bed around 7:30 pm, wakes up around 6:30 am and "plays" in her crib until about 7:15. Of course, as soon as I tell anyone that she's sleeping through the night well, she pulls a week of "oh yeah... I'll show you" just to keep us guessing, so we'll see if she holds to that pattern tonight! :)

Okay... those are all the "facts" I can think of off the top of my head. To reward you for reading this far, here are some more fun pics:

Samantha is wearing her "Horton Hears a Who" shirt
while chewing on poor Horton's trunk.

You can see it better if you click on the picture to make it bigger,
but the shirt says "Sam I Am".
(We should put something on the back that says "No... really. Sam I Am.")

Momma's Helper Numero Uno

Momma's Helper Number Dos

Should we send this in to Apple to see if they want to use it in their advertisements?

What a precious little face... and she puts up with us so much!

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