Hints about viewing pictures, slideshows, and video:
If the pictures are too small: Click on the picture to see a much larger version. Click the back button in your browser to return to the blog.
If you'd like the .jpg file for a picture, right click it and choose "Save Picture As..."
To see slideshows better: Click on the slideshow to "activate" it. Then click the plus to speed it up or the minus to slow it down. Hover over a picture to see the caption for that pic.
To play videos: Click the video to "activate" it and then click the "Play" button (the triangle). I like to pause it immediately and wait for the whole thing to buffer so I don't get blips while watching it.
Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Happy Birthday, Dad!

Today is my dad's birthday and I just want to take a second to wish him a happy birthday. He would have been 69 today... or as he liked to say, he would have been celebrating the 30th anniversary of his 39th birthday.

We love you, Dad... and miss you tons!

P.S. It is also my brother-in-law's birthday today, so we would also like to wish Justin a very happy birthday. We love you very much, too, Bro!