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Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Friday, June 6, 2008

4 days and counting...

That's right... we are scheduled to induce on Tuesday, June 10th... which means Squishee will join us on either June 10th or 11th (depending on how much torture she decides to put Lisa through!) :)

So how are we feeling? Excited. Nervous. A little scared. But probably, more than anything, we just can't get it to sink in that Squishee is going to be in our arms in just a few short days. In fact, the very next post to this blog will be AFTER she is born. Unbelievable!

We're saying lots of prayers that Lisa goes into labor naturally before Tuesday, simply because that may decrease the chance of us ending up needing a c-section. But either way, our prayers are for a safe delivery and healthy baby, no matter how she enters this world!!

On a fun note, we are posting some pictures below of a "photo shoot" we did. Our friend, Don, took a ton of pictures of us and this prego belly... and I'm posting some of our favorites (including some goofy ones!). Wouldn't you just know it that the day we did the pictures was the day my very first stretch marks showed up. Told you Squishee was going to be ornery! =) Anyway... here are some of our favorites (you should be able to click on the images to see them larger)...

Lisa Wins!!!!

Every pregnant girl needs a Maalox break now and then

Just some healthy belly laughs!

Isn't he such a supportive husband?


Dustin and Camila said...

Wow, I'm so excited for you guys! I'll keep you all in my prayers. I relate to how you're feeling, something very similar going on as I get ready to bring Camila home. Without the risk of a c-section of course. I LOVE the pics, you guys look awesome! Don rocks!!

PS(Lisa, did you get my 'happy bday' email? If not, happy belated bday!)

Anonymous said...

VERY cute pictures you three! :-) People keep asking me how you're doing at work...I tell them you miss work terribly and can't wait to get back. ;-) I think of you guys everyday and send happy thoughts your way for the arrival of your baby girl. Hugs and kisses all around.

mommy23 said...

You look amazing Lisa! We will be thinking about you three on Tuesday. Can't wait to hear....

Utah's Village said...

Yeah!!! The Utah's are so excited for you both! Take it easy the next couple of days... Natural or c-section you guys will be great. We are sending our love!! (June 10th is my 30th b-day, so I hope you don't mind me keeping my fingers crossed for that!) ;)

darci ann said...

You guys look beautiful!! Let us know if there is anything we can do for you heading into the big day. LOVE YOU!!!

Raina said...

I am SO excited for you guys! I can't wait to meet her, and I'm certain everything will go wonderful! Great pictures too!!! Good luck, we'll talk soon!

Anonymous said...

WOW Lisa you look great! I can't wait to see little Shepard, are you wanting visitors at the hospital or just at home!! Let us know we love you guys The Robbins Clan

Elaine said...

I'm thinking of you tonight and wishing you the best for tomorrow - what a big day! I can't believe it's finally here. My heart will be with you....Can't wait to meet that sweet baby girl!

Dustin and Camila said...

I know I already posted a comment on this post, but it's Tuesday and my thoughts are with you guys! I thought I would drop in here and send some positive think-power your direction.

Good luck with your birth day,