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Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Thursday, May 29, 2008

Squishee due a little earlier...

No fun pics to go with this post, but I did want to let you know that we're looking at a "revised" birthdate for Squishee. When we went to the doc this Tuesday, we saw that Squishee's growth is slowing down and that the amniotic fluid was starting to go away (these are two of the common risks associated with the blood pressure medication I take). At that time, our doctor told us that if today's appointment showed similar decreases in fluid (no, we were NOT at Oil Can Henry's...), then we could be looking at inducing next Tuesday!!

As exciting as that was, it definitely sent Sean and I into a bit of a tizzy! Oh sure... I have a few things on my "To Do" list that I want to accomplish before Squishee's arrival, but the big concern of ours is the house that we bought earlier in the year to fix up and sell. We aren't done remodeling it yet!!! So Sean made some phone calls and some wonderful friends have lent us some elbow grease in helping out with the house. Even in two days, their help has made a huge difference. THANK YOU!!!

Today's checkup revealed even more good news! The amniotic fluid level is back up a bit, which means we won't be inducing next Tuesday (6/3). We know that Squishee can decide to make her debut whenever she's good and ready, but we're back to looking at 6/10 as the probable date for inducing. We'll be at 39 weeks at that point and Sean and I are getting really excited.

More info (and some really fun pics!) to come in future posts... but I wanted to get this one out there since I told some of you to check back here after today's appointment!


mommy23 said...

Good luck guys! We can't wait to hear about the little one's arrival. Enjoy these last days...
Much Love,
The Worsleys

Raina said...

ok... this is coming up too fast!! I am SO excited for you guys, and can't wait to hear all the details. I LOVEd being induced. :D good luck finishing up all the odds and ends.

Anonymous said...

I'm so happy for you and cannot wait for you to experience that first moment when you meet your daughter. You two will be great parents and this baby girl of yours is very lucky to have you! Our Rike family is sending lots of happy thoughts your way! Good luck with labor...just keep reminding yourself that you'll be holding her before you know it. :-)