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Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Sunday, May 25, 2008

37 week checkup

It has been a long time since I gave an update on little Squishee, so here are some details you might be interested in:
  • As you can tell by the "pea pod" calendar at the top of your screen, we are 1 day shy of 37 weeks. Babies are considered "full term" any time between 37 weeks and 40 weeks, so the doc says we're all systems go if Squishee decides to make her big entrance. On the other hand, Sean and I still have quite a few things we want to get done before she shows up, so we're praying that she stays comfy for a couple more weeks!
  • I am feeling great for being 37 weeks along... way better than I expected. I still have a decent amount of energy, I'm sleeping very well, and I'm still loving all the movements and kicks that are coming from our active little girl. Oh sure... there are some pains and strains here and there... but overall, I'm still loving this miraculous time.
  • We are seeing the doc a couple times a week now. During these visits, we monitor Squishee via ultrasound or by doing a Non Stress Test using a fetal monitor. Every visit, Squishee (and I) have been getting A+ grades from our doctor, so we pray that continues to be the case for the rest of this pregnancy. So far, my blood pressure has been great (actually lower than normal), my amniotic fluid levels are excellent, and all the other signs point to a very healthy pregnancy. What a blessing!!!
  • June 17th is the latest date that Squishee will join us. This is because the doctor doesn't want me to go much past our due date. Even if the blood pressure threat never rears its ugly head during the next few weeks, our doctor wants to induce when we reach 40 weeks. Reason? She doesn't want to push our luck and give the blood pressure a chance to create an emergency where there doesn't need to be one. There is something relieving about knowing I'm not going to go 2 weeks late like some women do on their first pregnancy, and it has also allowed us to have a little more info when scheduling family visits, etc. The craziest part about knowing the latest due date is the fact that we know our Orange Juice in the fridge has a later "due date" than our baby... so surreal!!!
  • No, our hospital bags aren't packed yet... but that is on the agenda for tonight! I did spend all day yesterday washing clothes, bedding, blankets, etc. for little Squishee... so we are ALMOST ready for her to come home!
  • Seems only fair to include some pics in this blog post, so here are some recent snapshots.

These are my dear friends, Julie and Stacey, who threw a baby shower for me in early May.

It was such a special day and I was thrilled to see so many wonderful friends. Although it's tough to "catch up" with so many loved ones at the same time, it meant so much to see all these amazing women in my life.

Even though Sean hasn't attended any baby showers, we both are SO thankful for the love and support we have experienced as we anticipate Squishee's arrival. We always knew we had special families, friends, and coworkers, and we are so excited to introduce Squishee to all of you!!!

1 comment:

Utah's Village said...

Just a "Hi" fom the Utah clan... You look beautiful and don't worry about having everything together! Jack decided to arrive 3 weeks early and I had nothing ready (Everyone told me you never have your third early, shows what they know!) It was still fantastic and you are such a rock that I know you will do great... We love you both and can't wait to see your wonderful little girl!