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Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Visit with the Mitsons (and hike to Red Rock)

In early April, we enjoyed a visit with Lorna (Lisa's sister) and Channing and Charise (our nieces). Here are a couple of pics from that visit.

Charise, Lorna, Samantha and Channing

Samantha is happy in her Aunt's arms!

We went on a Hike in Red Rock Canyon. This was Samantha's second trip to
Red Rock and she was an absolute trooper!
Our nieces really enjoyed exploring the Nevada landscape!

We saw a huge herd of Bighorn Sheep and took a ton of pictures. This is a picture of one of the rams posing for the picture with Lorna and the girls. What a treat!

Even with all the excitement, Samantha just couldn't hold out any longer.
Here she is trying to catch some Zzzzzz's.

1 comment:

Justin and Lorna said...

Thanks for the AWESOME trip! Luvya!