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Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Pics at 31 weeks... Yes, you see my belly!

It has come to my attention that a few of you out there are a little "ooged" out by seeing my bare belly. For the squeamish of you (wussies), I am doing you this little favor and posting a picture of my big ol' belly with a shirt covering it. Beware... if you scroll down too far, you WILL see pics that include my belly button! :-)

And now for the bare belly pic. Folks... there's no denying it. Lisa is pregnant. And Squishee is ready to declare it to the world by expanding that belly of her mom's! I guess we knew this was going to happen, right?

To answer your next question: Yes, Sean is afraid. Very afraid! :-)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Lisa tell Sean to hang in there, It isn't that bad. Also you look great. I can't believe your almost there. Love you guys.