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Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Squishee at 23 weeks

Here is a pic of Lisa at 23 weeks. Yep... Squishee is growing in there!!!

Highlights of the past couple weeks include:
- Lisa is really starting to feel Squishee kick in the past week. A few times, it has actually been visible from the outside! Within the next couple of days, we're guessing Daddy Shep is going to be able to feel one of these kicks, but we just haven't been able to time it well yet! :-)
- Lisa's sister (Lorna) came to visit and helped us get Lisa's office moved into the former guest room. Sean then built the crib and voila... we have the start of Squishee's room!!
- Lisa had her first (of many) irrational mommy panic attacks. Squishee was kicking so strong last week and then I didn't feel her at all for most of Friday and Saturday up through the afternoon. I was trying to tell myself to be logical and remember that it's still early for paying such close attention to the kicks, but hey... I'm pregnant. I get to be irrational sometimes! =) Anyway, by Saturday afternoon, I was in tears, so Sean and Lorna encouraged me to call my friend Sarah who has a doppler heart monitor rented for her pregnancy. She was so sweet and came right over to the house and did an impromptu nursing visit for me! Squishee's heartbeat was strong as can be and she's doing great. It was just a case of me putting too much importance on those continuous kicks. I'm sure this won't be the last of my new mommy worries as we go through the next few months, but we'll see!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Lisa, you look great. Can't wait to see the newest Shepard. Let us know if we you need anything!!!!