Let the fun begin! We went to our ultrasound appointment today and left beaming. We got to see Squishee's face, profile, hands, feet, heart, stomach, spine, kidneys, etc. We even got to see her brain (yep, she looks smart to us). According to the technician, Squishee looks as healthy as can be and is the exact size she should be for our estimated due date. We marvel that our parents didn't have this technology when they were pregnant with us... it's so amazing to get such an in-depth baby checkup when we're still months away from giving birth!
As for gender, Squishee didn't cooperate right away! "It" was keeping those legs crossed throughout the entire ultrasound. So we know our child is either shy or ornery. We'll let you take a guess as to which trait is more likely in our family! :-)
Anyway, after some pushing, prodding and a few cartwheels down the hall, Squishee cooperated and told us her tale! We would be excited whether the answer was girl or boy... but it is just so awesome to know.
Soon, we'll post some pics of Lisa's expanding belly... and also some other fun stuff going on in our lives (believe it or not, it isn't ALL about the kid... yet!).
An updated pic of Squishee. Don't worry... we saw the legs
on other ultrasounds, so they really are there! :-)
Yeah for girls! I'm so happy for you two. Always remember...front to back. ;-)
My vote is 'ornery'. ;) And just curious, does this ultrasound change Squishy's nickname? Can we call her Squishah? You know, more girlee sounding...
Mom just says CONGRATULATIONS! Keeping up the family tradaition of girls. I'm so happy for you both.
O.K. so I didn't proofread! That's tradition not tradaition! Love Mom
Congrats!! Wow another girl We are so excited. We know a lot about girls if you need anything Kollin and I are here for you guys.
AK and DUDE are excited about adding another beautiful, talented and smart girl to our list of favorites. Love you, AK
Oh, so exciting! Congrats on the little girl! Can't wait to see her out in the world!!!
I am so excited...Yeehaw, we'll have to show her the art one day of warm french bread and yogurt!!! We are so happy for you both, and Hudson sends a "High-5"!
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