Friday, August 8, 2008
Coming Soon: Updated Pics of Samantha
In the meantime, check out Samantha's first photos in the July blog posting
Videos of Samantha: 4 - 7 weeks old
For those of you out-of-towners, here are some videos of our precious Samantha. Here's hoping these videos are playable on your computers... this is my first experience uploading videos to the blog!
When playing the videos, you need to click on the video to activate it. Then, you click on the "play button" (triangle button) in the bottom left of the video screen.
TIP: I have found that it is more enjoyable if you wait until a lot of the video has been buffered before starting to watch it. To do this, I click the "Play button" (triangle) and then immediately click the button again to pause the video. After a decent amount of the video has been buffered to your machine, click play, and you can watch the whole thing continuously (rather than having it stop and start while the video tries to catch up).
Samantha looking around - 4 weeks old
Video Details: 7/8/08 26 seconds 24 MB
Sam Loves Panda
Video Details: 7/20/08 15 seconds 14 MB
For the first few months, babies see Black/White and bold, contrasting patterns really well, which helped her develop a bond with Mr. Panda.
Say "Hi"
Video Details: 7/21/08 7 seconds 7 MB
A short clip of Samantha "saying hi". In the video, she is about 6 weeks old, and starting to experiment with her voice a little more.
More excited talking with Panda
Video Details: 7/21/08 11 seconds 10 MB
Coy Smile + Jabbering = Adorable
Video Details: 7/26/08 19 seconds 17 MB
Yes, we are currently in the process of getting wrapped around Samantha's little finger! :-) In this video, Sam is 7 weeks old, and well on her way to stealing our hearts.
Thursday, August 7, 2008
Some of Sam's other visitors...
Technically, they aren't visitors, but here are pictures of Samantha's 4-legged sisters, Charlie and Sadie. After 8 weeks, they still aren't 100% sure about this little being we brought into our house... we think they're waiting for the "owners" to come pick her up and take her home.
Soon after we got home, our friends Anne Marie and Dave Mills came over to visit. Not only did they meet Samantha, but they brought us a bottle of wine... and Lisa could finally have a glass!!! :-)
We had a surprise visit from Lisa's second cousin, Bart, and his new wife, Holin. Samantha was about 8 days old... and the new Mr. and Mrs. Wilbanks were passing through town on the way to Seattle to attend a friend's wedding. Sean and Lisa hadn't seen Bart for about 6 years, so it was a treat to get to introduce them both to Sam so early on in her life.
Our former next-door-neighbors, Rob & Teresa came by to bring us food and meet the new Shepard. Their sons, Brayden and Noah, also came to visit, but we didn't manage to capture a picture of them. Give it a few years, and we're sure Samantha will have a crush on their adorable sons. :-)
When John and Julie Kinney came by to meet Samantha, we snapped this picture of them. John is 6' 5" and Julie is Thai, so we think they should send this picture in their Christmas cards next year... and spend the next year explaining how they wound up with a tiny, non-Asian baby. :-)
The Scott family came by to visit and Samantha was more than happy to share her pack 'n play with their daughter Lucy. Lucy is exactly 4 weeks older than Samantha, so she's our constant "preview" of what's to come! Jake and Sarah's son, Finn, was too excited with Samantha's toys to catch a shot of him with her!
A few weeks later, we captured this adorable pic of Sarah and Samantha over at Jake & Sarah's house.
When Papa and Nana came up from Las Vegas for the PWC golf tournament, they brought family friends, Russ and Robbie with them. It was fun to watch Robbie and Nana wrestle each other for the next turn at holding Samantha! Meanwhile, we had to talk Russ into holding such a small baby, but he did a wonderful job and Samantha was instantly smitten with him. Sam is very lucky to have "surrogate" grandparents like Russ and Robbie.
Our friends, Warren and Toni, brought us yummy food and wonderful company when Samantha was about a month old. We call Toni "The Baby Whisperer" because she just has a way with babies that calms them right down.
Samantha also got to meet Warren and Toni's gorgeous daughter, Emma, who was about 6 months old. We are smitten with our daughter, of course, but when you hear little Emma giggle (something Samantha isn't doing quite yet), your heart just absolutely melts. We know Emma is going to be a wonderful friend to Samantha as they grow up together.
After things had settled down a bit, and we were ready for more visitors, our friend Darci came by to meet Samantha. Darci and Lisa have been friends since 4th grade and she introduced Sean and Lisa, so of course, she takes full credit for the arrival of this little munchkin! :-) Darci is studying to be a nurse and had just completed her rotation in Labor and Delivery, so she had first hand experience with some of the hilarity we call "giving birth".
Lisa's coworker, Jake, stopped by to meet Samantha. Of course, as soon as Samantha was fussy, Lisa made him hold her. He looks like a natural, doesn't he! :-)
Samantha's Helpers
Papa & Nana Shepard came to Portland soon after Samantha was born. Nana was en route as Samantha was entering into the world... Papa flew in a few days later. This timing worked out wonderfully since it gave Lisa a few days in the hospital to try to get breastfeeding under control before she had to even attempt to be discrete! :)
Papa stayed for 4-5 days and Nana stayed for about 10 days total. We really took advantage of all the help!
When Samantha was 2 weeks old, Nana and Papa came up for a second visit. They came to play in the 21st annual PWC Children's Charity golf tournament with Sean and family friends, Russ and Robbie Roth. THEIR TEAM TOOK FIRST PLACE, so we got the pleasure of hearing Dad and Russ sing "We Are The Champions" for a day or two. Samantha and Lisa were able to go to the dinner after the tournament to show how proud we were of our family of golfers.
Grandma Broman came to help at the end of June (Samantha was about 2 1/2 weeks old) and stayed for a week. Grandma Broman helped us with the cooking, laundry, and even managed to navigate around the area while doing errands! Even though we were 3 weeks into this new job of ours, we were still very much in need of plenty of help! This was a great transition week for us as we started to feel a little more confident in our parenting skills and started to get a little bit of a handle on how to accomplish things during Samantha's naps! :-)
At the tail end of Grandma Broman's visit, The Mitson family drove into town for a couple of days. Channing and Charise were very excited to meet their first human cousin! Unfortunately, Samantha slept most of the time (when she wasn't eating or crying), so she wasn't quite as much fun to play with as her cousins had hoped. Channing and Charise were excellent helpers though, and went they weren't swimming/playing with our next door neighbor, Sarah, they helped out a lot with changing diapers and getting Aunt Lisa baby supplies while her hands were full.
Aunt Lorna (Lisa's sister) and Uncle Justin were instantly smitten with their niece... but who can blame them? In these pictures, they're holding her before we headed off to an Independence Day party and our next-door-neighbor's house. It was Samantha's first holiday celebration!!
The very next weekend, Sean's cousin, Cristy came to help for about 5 days (Samantha was around 4-5 weeks old). Cristy showed up and started scooting around... running to the grocery store, tackling laundry, and cooking us yummy food. She even made a scrumptious appetizer for a party that we all went to. The running joke throughout her stay was that Cristy was Lisa's personal assistant since Lisa couldn't remember anything if it wasn't written on a note right in front of her. And we were only partially kidding... Lisa is really missing her assistant... why do you think these blog updates haven't been getting done?! :-)
A few days after Cristy left, Lisa and Sean's friend from Florida showed up for a 5 day "shift" with the Shepard family. Just like with Cristy, Vera showed up and started cruising around the house getting to work. She even came with a pre-planned menu for her stay here!!! Since Lisa had already deemed Cristy her personal assistant, Vera became known as our fabulous Asian chef and nanny! We really know how to find good help, don't we!! :-)
Papa and Nana Shepard managed to visit a third time by coming to Portland at the end of a month-long road trip they went on. They arrived the last weekend in July and Papa stayed for a week before flying back to Las Vegas the next Sunday to get back to the real world (i.e. work!) and Nana is heading out tomorrow (Friday, Aug 8). During this visit, they watched Samantha grow from a tiny 6 week old to a big girl (8 weeks old!). Samantha is mastering the art of smiling and cooing... which has enabled her to start the process of getting Papa wrapped around her tiny little finger! :-)
As you can tell by the impressive list of people in this cast of characters, we had a lot of wonderful helpers during this transition into parenthood. We probably would have gotten by without all this help... but we would have been crazy to try! :-)