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Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Monday, June 8, 2009

Samantha's First Steps!!

It's two days before Samantha's 1st Birthday and she just took her first unassisted steps. We are so proud... and we just HAPPENED to have a camera nearby to document the event. Hmmm... that's so unlike us! =)

Here is the first video of her steps... and then of Lisa completely spazzing out. It was just so amazing to watch her get that balance down.

And since we're an equal opportunity blogger, her is video of her walking back to Mom.

Saturday, June 6, 2009

Video of Samantha as she approaches the big 0-1!!!

Oh... there is so much to update you on! Our little champ has just been growing by leaps and bounds. Can you believe she'll be a year old on Wednesday. I know it's cliché to say "Where did the time go?" so instead, I'll say "Wow... so much has happened in a year and I can't believe this bundle of crawling, babbling, inquisitive joy is the same bundle of swaddled, floppy joy that we brought home from the hospital almost a year ago." Here are some video clips to give you a glimpse of what she's up to right now. She is at such a fun age and I seem to have this silly video camera rolling all the time! Hope you enjoy the clips!

June 5, 2009 - "FIX IT!!!"

Proud moment only a parent could appreciate: Earlier in the afternoon, Samantha was playing with this chain and it was one long piece. When she started to play with the chain again later, she seemed confused as to why it was in two pieces. Watch as she tries to solve the problem and put the chain back together the way she has seen mommy and daddy do it!

June 5, 2009 - "Pulling Hair"

You can hear me laughing in the background as Samantha pulls her own hair. She looks perturbed that it hurts... and yet she continues right on doing it. In all fairness, I shouldn't have been laughing because I think she was feeling some pain in her ears or was just really tired... but I found it humorous anyway!

June 2, 2009 - "No Touch"

We have just started working on telling Samantha what she can't touch... now that she's mobile enough to get to a bunch of stuff. This video shows the thought processes going on her head as she tries to decide if she should touch the outlets or not.

June 4, 2009 - "Searching For The Dogs"

We think that "Dog" might be Samantha's first word... but the jury is still out. Although she says "Da" a lot, whenever she sees a dog (or a picture of a dog, or a statue of a dog, or a figurine of a dog), she points and says "Da" in a slightly different way. I guess you have to be a nerdy parent to see and hear the difference!

June 1, 2009 - "Conquering The Stairs"

In this clip, you'll see that Samantha has pretty much mastered the stairs (well... at least going up. Down is a different story!). And to think she was still hesitant on the stairs about a week ago. Needless to say, we put gates up this week!

June 1, 2009 - "DADDY!!!"

I think this clip is funny because it sounds like Samantha is yelling at her Daddy. Fast forward about 10 years and I probably won't find this as funny! (BTW - After looking at this clip, you will understand why we went out and bought some plastic sheeting to put up on the banisters. Yet another baby proofing step that we've decided to implement.)

Friday, June 5, 2009

Boise Trip From Late May

In late May, Samantha and Lisa flew to Boise for a visit. We packed A LOT in! Here are some pics from our visit:

Samantha cheered on Grandma Broman at her tennis practice

We visited Aunt Barb and Uncle Jim (Sean's Aunt & Uncle)

We got to see Sean's cousin Jamie (and her kids Cody & Coco)

Samantha met Jamie's dog, Olive. Olive is an 11 month old mastiff puppy!

Samantha was a little more comfortable with Jim & Barb's dog, Miss.

...but she managed to get the upper hand later!

Just a cute picture of Samantha crawling around Grandma Broman's kitchen

Samantha and I headed out on the greenbelt for Samantha's first bike ride. She loved it!
Aunt Lorna and cousins Channing and Charise joined us!

Samantha enjoyed all the attention from her cousins!

We had lunch with Lisa's friend from high school, Joy

...and Samantha met Joy's son, Braden. Look at that adorable little dude!

We also got a chance to see Katie, another of Lisa's high school friends

Aunt Lorna walked little Samantha all over the house...
...and probably had a sore lower back to prove it!

Music time with Uncle Justin, Channing and Charise

We went to a retirement party for Mrs. Linda Selvig
(family friend of 33 years... and former teacher of Lorna and Lisa)

Showing off Samantha's shoes at the party

Grandma Broman and Wayne (Linda's husband) at the retirement party.
We think they must have gotten some sort of memo about shirt color or something! =)

Samantha and Lisa really enjoyed attending Charise's dance recital

Although she was super tired, Samantha did wonderful on the plane back to Las Vegas.
This was Samantha's 13th plane ride... but who's counting! =)